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Substance Abuse

Substance abuse treatment is often ordered as a condition by the Court or U.S. Parole Commission so you are required to participate in substance abuse treatment and support in order to alleviate symptoms from alcohol and drug abuse that contribute to further illegal activity, unstable lifestyles, poor compliance with Court supervision, and further risk to the community.   Substance abuse treatment and drug testing (urinalysis) are provided by officers or community agencies, and where needed, contract service providers.

Treatment may involve detoxification and may consist of individual, family, or group counseling in an outpatient or residential setting depending on the level of need. It also can include alternative strategies.  Additionally, our substance abuse treatment programs generally include various detection methods of testing for the use of drugs or alcohol.  Many of the service officers help to arrange are available in local public and private service organizations (resources listed below), but often, due to a lack of the specific services available locally, or your level of need, these can be provided through Probation contracts with local programs. 

For a better understanding of the role of treatment in recovery, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of HHS provides a 2010 report that contains an extensive description of the types of recovery systems and treatment alternatives available from the eyes of the recovering person.  Additionally, there are excellent websites by the National Institute on Drug Abuse explaining what to know and look for when seeking or attending substance abuse treatment, descriptions of treatment approaches for drug and alcohol addiction, and the important principles and components of a good treatment program.

There are also national, state, and support resources and information available to assist those working to overcome the effects of substance abuse in their lives, some of which are listed below.


National Institute on Drug Abuse: Facts and Publications on Drugs of Abuse.  They also have great resources on all the negative health effects and treatment options for the various drugs of abuse, as well as resources, information, and support for patients and families.  SAMHSA also has an excellent comprehensive website for information, services, and support for nicotine and tobacco addictions.

Addiction Resource Guide (facility listings, program profiles, intervention and professional services, internet resources, etc.)

The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information Center is the Tennessee State Center for the RADAR Network, a consortium of agencies in 50 states providing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug information and literature to individuals and communities from the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information


Substance abuse treatment programs can be found near you through the Substance Abuse Treatment Program/Facility locator of the U.S. Dept. of HHS/Substance Abuse/Mental Health Services Administration and through the Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholic Anonymous - AA (national support group focused on the 12 Steps to recovery)

AA Big Book Online (English, Spanish and French)

The Twelve Traditions and 12 Steps of AA

Sobriety Calculator (AA)

Online AA Intergroup (web-based resources)

Guidelines and Tips for those Court-ordered to attend AA, and the Newcomer Guide (learning about the program and process)

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

National NA link (meeting locations, literature, news, events, etc.)

12 Steps of NA

Al-Anon and Al-Ateen (support and guidance for spouse, kids, and relatives of the alcoholic)

Al-Anon and Alateen  (national resources)

Is There an Alcoholic in Your Life? - Message of Hope (World AA)

Celebrate Recovery (religiously-oriented recovery peer support around the country)

National link to numerous addiction support and advocacy services through the Addiction Resource Guide.