Employment Assistance Program
What is the Employment Assistance Program:
A release condition that requires people on supervision to work at a lawful occupation unless excused for school, training, or other acceptable reasons.
A release condition that requires people on supervision to work at a lawful occupation unless excused for school, training, or other acceptable reasons.
Often the difference between a good job and the unemployment line is your exposure to vocational training which can come through career colleges and schools, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and others. There are many options available. Some provide funding assistance, and others are private institutions that require payment of tuition and fees. They are available throughout our district and Tennessee, with some of the links, information, and contacts to national, state, and local resources and organizations listed be
We understand that sometimes your skills and background may allow you to be more successful and income-earning in a self-employment capacity as a business owner or self-employed independent contractor. Please understand self-employment is a privilege and opportunity, not a right, and must follow certain rules and expectations. You can only be self-employed on supervision after permission is given by your officer, and you must follow any directions he or she gives you in order to keep the privilege and opportunity. Overall, self-employment will requ
There are a number of national resources, programs, and incentives to assist you in pursuing gainful employment as you work to comply with the Court, support yourself and your family, and lead a law-abiding, productive life in the community. Examples include:
National Organizations and Resources
Also, here is a major web portal for job search. training and assistance from USA.gov
Seeking a job or career in a field where you already have experience or training can be a big enough challenge as an ex-offender. However, when circumstances require you to seek a new job direction, it can be overwhelming to find employment in a field where there is a demand, and also a match to your interests, skills, aptitude, and/or criminal record.
Some of the things to consider include:
It is often overwhelming in the best of circumstances to find employment. It becomes that much harder when you have a criminal record, limited job skills or experience, or have little or no training in the area where job are in demand. The resources and links below are provided to assist you in accessing job assistance and workforce development services in your area.
JobsCenterUSA.gov (part of national CareerInfoNet.org)
Many times it is keeping the job that ends up being as or more important than landing one. The Probation Office wants to see you productively and gainfully employed in order to be stable, satisfy court conditions, be a productive member of the community, and support you and your family by legal means. The information and key resources and links below are designed to help you learn and focus on the important behaviors needed to keep the job you worked so hard to attain.
Effective job preparation and job search strategies include determining your employability, assessing your skills and interests, finding local jobs in demand, handling applications and preparing a solid resume, improving your interview skills an
Sometimes a job good-paying job is just a few tools or equipment away. Some job training programs help with tools and job placement after completion. However, if you are not that fortunate, you may have to look for assistance. Some churches or religious organizations are willing to help if you have been regularly engaged with them in the past.
We believe gainful employment is an important part of your supervision success. Not only is it required by the Court, but it will also help you to achieve your goals, and help you support your family and avoid situations that might lead to new criminal activities. To that end, the Probation Office will make every effort to assist you in finding and keeping meaningful employment by way of direct services, referral to community programs, and in some cases, direct job leads. Our focus is to help you secure employment that fits your interest and skills, provides a livable wa